Thursday 6 June 2013

Needled Finger!

Recently I have been doing quite a lot of hand sewing, from fascinators to decorating jute lunch and gift bags. See my other blog
All this tough sewing has taken it's toll on my poor finger, I kept pushing the end of the needle through with the same bit of finger all the time till there was many cries of ouch oooh and ohya. I wish I could get used to using a thimble, it would make life much easier.
The needles and thread had to be pushed aside for a few days to let my finger recover, so out come the wire and beads, pliers and cutters and a few new pieces of jewellery were formed.

I hope you like the results.

A vibrant blue cuff.

Sparkly summery pendant
Treble Clef Pendant
With Rothbury Music Festival coming up next month I thought 
I would make something with a musical flavour

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