Tuesday 9 July 2013

Note to self.......

Who doesn't like having a notebook to hand? They provide the means for a "to do list" or who knows where and when that "light bulb " moment will strike. If a trusty notebook wasn't at hand at that particular time to record it or sketch it the idea might just evaporate and disappear from your memory bank.

I have established the need for a notebook to be near at hand, now if that notebook was covered in pretty fabric I am sure that every time it was being put to use it would offer joy and inspiration to the user.

If the fabrics used were Liberty fabric or William Morris inspired fabric and each cover was removable and could be added to another notebook the same size when the notes had filled the original book. If each covered notebook was a one off  and unique there would never be any doubt as to who it belonged to.

Who wouldn't love to have one of these?

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