Tuesday 13 August 2013

New String to my Bow!

New string to my bow! That is one of those funny old sayings that we use in conversation etc to make things sound more interesting than just actually saying things exactly as they are.
Literally with" a new string to my bow" you might expect that I am a string instrumentalist that has just repaired a vital piece of equipment but what I am really trying to say is that " I am doing something different or, I have gained a new skill" To "cut a long story short" or to "stop beating about the bush", I have opened an Etsy Shop to start selling my new Seaglass jewellery on the internet.     http://www.etsy.com/shop/TheSeaGlassShop

This has been dominating my time over the past couple of weeks, it is surprising how long it all actually takes.

  •  Firstly you have to think of a name for your shop, one that will come up easily in peoples searches. 
  • Then you have to sort out the design in order to make it colourful and tempting
  •  next thing work out all the post and packing costs. 
  • The hardest thing is coming up with descriptions for all the products, descriptions that are honest and true to what you are trying to sell but at the same time making it sound interesting. 
  • Photography is the next step, or to flower things up again organise a "photo shoot", then do a bit of editing to make sure size is the required size but at the same time trying to make sure the product is captured to show it at its best.
We are nearly there, everything all has to be uploaded and checked and then published and promoted to hopefully achieve the end result of "sales!"

So my time has been well and trully all used up so blogging has "taken a bit of a back seat" as I have given all my concentration to Etsy. Hopefully Rothbury Daily will resume again soon.


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