Friday 6 December 2013

Second Fiddle!

Now the advent calendars are being opened and festivities are becoming ever so much closer,time is running away faster than ever.
I may have been quiet on social media recently, but honestly, I have been working my socks off! I have a head full of new designs for after new year that I have been working on, I have had Christmas pressies to make, and lots of lovely bits and pieces to make to sell in Coccuveda. There is only so many hours in the day, so to keep on top of things and hold on to my marbles this girl has been prioritising!!!!
 So Twitter/Facebook and Blogger you maybe feeling a wee bit neglected as of late, a bit like you are second fiddle, well the truth is you are! Technology has slipped way down my priority list for the time being, I daresay I will dip in and out of T F and B as and when I feel the need,  I daresay after all the festivities are over and January is upon us normal tweeting facebooking and blogging will be resumed!

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