Friday 14 February 2014

Beginning and Ending!

February 2008 Was the beginning of my adventure of Coccuveda. It all started very quickly, almost on impulse, I saw the vacant shop and grabbed the opportunity with excitement and enough enthusiasm to sail through anything.

Coccuveda at the Beginning

This small but perfectly formed little shop provided me with 6 fabulous years of training, education, social working and great pleasure. I have, over the years got to know some wonderful people, many became regular customers and many were the very talented local crafts people whose work I had the honour of selling.

December 2013, after a few months of pondering, seemed like it was time to let my baby go. The timing was right, as I was still very much enjoying my "Coccuveda World" but I never ever wanted it to ever become a burden to us, and, or less the economy had a miraculous change, the landslipped B6344 was fixed and re-opened, I couldn't visualise not having a struggle on my hands.

 So leaving before positive changed to negative seemed like the best thing to do.

So my beautiful shop was pulled apart and emptied, the keys handed back to the landlord. Best wishes go to whoever wants to take this little shop on and hope they are as happy with it as I was.
Coccuveda empty at the end!
Now, I am not one to wallow about what has been and gone or let the grass grow under my feet, so, coming soon I will post about my new studio/workshop which will be the start of my new adventure.

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